Comments from the Executive Director

From the Executive Director:
June is here already! The area has been looking very pretty with the flowers and blooming trees. We’ve had a pair of bluebirds at the Senior Center making a nest for their little ones. I hope I was able to capture this picture.
Our first trip to Magic Wings will be happening soon! We will be going on Tuesday, June 25. If you have signed up for the trip, you can stop in and finish paying for it. For those going on the trip, please be here by 8:30 a.m. We want to make sure you all are here and don’t get left behind. The bus will be leaving promptly at 8:45 AM.
I have 2 train ride tickets available, due to a cancellation. If interested, call me at the center. You also can finish paying for the October Train Ride now.
June is a very busy month with school ending, graduations, Father’s Day and summer begins!! We know it all goes by fast, so I hope you all can enjoy it, get away on trips, visit family or friends. Cookouts are a fun way to enjoy visiting
with loved ones as well.
“June carries the perfect blend of warmth and joy, inviting us to live fully in each moment.”
Cheryl Bailey, Executive Director